Forced Arbitrations Are Back in Play for California Employees
Forced Arbitrations Are Back in Play for California Employees
California is a fairly “employee-friendly” state, but that doesn’t always hold true – and it certainly doesn’t apply to a recent ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The court reversed itself, ruling that the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) trumps Assembly Bill 51.
Can You Sue Your Boss for Third-Party Sexual Harassment?
Can You Sue Your Boss for Third-Party Sexual Harassment?
Everyone deserves a safe and dignified workplace. Unfortunately, despite years of sensitization and countless state and federal legislation, sexual harassment remains one of the major problems in most California workplaces.
Is Your Employer Violating Your Wage and Hour Rights?
Is Your Employer Violating Your Wage and Hour Rights?
Your employer needs to treat you fairly. According to the Labor Commissioner’s Office, employees in California should not exceed 8 hours per workday and 40 hours per workweek. These are the legal numbers in most industries.