
What is Reasonable Accommodation at your Workplace?

What is Reasonable Accommodation at your Workplace?

Reasonable accommodation describes changes made to the work environment or to the way work is performed to enable employees with disabilities to perform their jobs to the best of their abilities.

How Does the Tipping Culture Expose Servers to Harassment?

How Does the Tipping Culture Expose Servers to Harassment?

If you are a woman who has worked in food or drink service, you’ve probably had to deal with sexual harassment

Forced Arbitrations Are Back in Play for California Employees

Forced Arbitrations Are Back in Play for California Employees

California is a fairly “employee-friendly” state, but that doesn’t always hold true – and it certainly doesn’t apply to a recent ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The court reversed itself, ruling that the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) trumps Assembly Bill 51.

Can You Get Fired for Posting Online About Your Workplace?

Can You Get Fired for Posting Online About Your Workplace?

You may love your job but hate your boss, or love your boss but hate your pay or working conditions – or maybe you don’t care for any of them.

What Does Modern Pre-Employment Age Discrimination Look Like?

What Does Modern Pre-Employment Age Discrimination Look Like?

Anti-workplace discrimination laws have been around for some time but were not well-known by employees and employers.

Can Your Boss Fire You for Making a Complaint?

Can Your Boss Fire You for Making a Complaint?

It’s very difficult to be in a situation where you witness something at work that you believe to be discrimination.

Can You Sue Your Boss for Third-Party Sexual Harassment?

Can You Sue Your Boss for Third-Party Sexual Harassment?

Everyone deserves a safe and dignified workplace. Unfortunately, despite years of sensitization and countless state and federal legislation, sexual harassment remains one of the major problems in most California workplaces.

New California Employment Laws for 2023 Advance Workers’ Rights

New California Employment Laws for 2023 Advance Workers’ Rights

The law is always changing. Each year, judges render decisions and legislators pass bills that change the legal landscape of California.

Is Gender Stereotyping in the Workplace Illegal?

Is Gender Stereotyping in the Workplace Illegal?

Attitudes are changing, and more people than ever feel free to challenge conventional notions of gender identity and gender expression.

Is Your Employer Violating Your Wage and Hour Rights?

Is Your Employer Violating Your Wage and Hour Rights?

Your employer needs to treat you fairly. According to the Labor Commissioner’s Office, employees in California should not exceed 8 hours per workday and 40 hours per workweek. These are the legal numbers in most industries.