
Why Could a Video Application Harm Your Employment Chances?

Why Could a Video Application Harm Your Employment Chances?

You see a job that you know you could do well. You have the qualifications and experience the company asks for. Then you see they want you to send in a video application.

Three Signs That You Could be a Victim of Sexual Harassment

Three Signs That You Could be a Victim of Sexual Harassment

No one deserves to put up with sexual harassment at work. Unfortunately, while sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal, this vice is quite rampant. If a co-worker, supervisor or employer sexually harasses you, it is important that you take appropriate steps to safeguard your rights.

Racial Discrimination Is Not Always Intentional

Racial Discrimination Is Not Always Intentional

When people think about someone who perpetuates racial discrimination, they often assume that those actions are intentional.

Do You Work in a Hostile Work Environment? Here are Four Red Flags

Do You Work in a Hostile Work Environment? Here are Four Red Flags

A hostile work environment is one in which you feel uncomfortable and unsafe. You may not feel comfortable with how a coworker invades your personal space or be upset about someone harassing a colleague.

The Role of Power in Bullying and Harassment

The Role of Power in Bullying and Harassment

Unfortunately, bullying doesn’t stop when you graduate from high school.

Your Employer Shouldn’t Demand That You Work Off the Clock

Your Employer Shouldn’t Demand That You Work Off the Clock

As an hourly worker, you deserve compensation for your time on the job.

Racial Discrimination Isn’t Always Overt

Racial Discrimination Isn’t Always Overt

Discrimination of any sort in the workplace isn’t acceptable. For many people, discrimination comes because of something they don’t have any control over.

Can a Food Delivery Company Keep Your Tips?

Can a Food Delivery Company Keep Your Tips?

If you make your living delivering food and drinks to people’s doors, you may have found that the living you make is less than you’d hoped for.

Three Ways That Employment Discrimination Limits Your Career Growth

Three Ways That Employment Discrimination Limits Your Career Growth

Numerous laws at both the federal and state levels protect workers from discrimination. An employer should not base their decisions about your career on your age, your religion, your sex or other protected characteristics, like medical conditions.

Can Your Employer “Round Down” the Time You’ve Worked?

Can Your Employer “Round Down” the Time You’ve Worked?

As an hourly worker in California, you only receive compensation for the time when you are present at your place of employment performing work. Unlike a salaried employee, you cannot always predict what your income will be from week to week if your schedule changes.