Los Angeles Gender Discrimination Attorneys

Sexual harassment and gender discrimination are not right. But that does not mean that they don’t happen. Every day in workplaces across America, people experience harassment and discrimination because of their gender, sexual orientation or sexual identity.

At Toni Jaramilla, A Professional Law Corporation, in Los Angeles, California, our lawyers represent employees in lawsuits against employers. We have established a reputation as lawyers who fight hard for employee rights.

Sexual Harassment

We have experience handling a broad range of sexual harassment claims, including cases involving:

  • Lewd comments

  • Sexual jokes

  • Quid pro quo scenarios

  • Requested sexual favors in exchange for job benefits

  • Sexist behaviors

  • Inappropriate touching

  • Sexually explicit photos or cartoons

Each case is different. While women are most often the victims of sexual harassment in the workplace, we do represent men as well. Many men feel embarrassed to come forward regarding sexual harassment at work. However, being a survivor of sexual harassment is nothing to be ashamed of, and taking action may prevent the same or similar harm from happening to others.

Gender Discrimination

The Los Angeles gender discrimination attorneys at Toni Jaramilla, A Professional Law Corporation, represent employees who have been singled out because, for one reason or another, they do not conform with traditional gender stereotypes. We represent many LGBT clients who have been treated differently or harassed because of their real or perceived sexual orientation — whether gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual or heterosexual. If you have been affected, you should know that many state and federal laws protect you.

Contact a Los Angeles Sexual Harassment Attorney

If you are facing discrimination at work, take action. Contact the lawyers at Toni Jaramilla, A Professional Law Corporation. We are available at our office or you can contact us online.