Why Don’t People Report Sexual Harassment Quickly?

By Toni Jaramilla, A Professional Law Corporation

When people come forward with reports of sexual harassment in the workplace, they may be describing events that occurred months or even years earlier. Delays in reporting are common, and some reports suggest that many incidents of sexual harassment are never reported at all.

This delay does not invalidate those accounts. However, from an outside perspective, people may wonder why there was a delay in the first place. If the event was so serious, why didn’t the victim report it immediately?

5 common reasons

There are many reasons why individuals may delay reporting or remain silent, even when their claims are completely valid and legitimate. Every situation is unique, but here are five examples:

  1. They are worried about retaliation, such as losing their job if they report being sexually harassed by their boss.

  2. They fear that others will not believe them, so they feel that making a report would lead to no positive outcome.

  3. They only have their own testimony and are aware that there is no physical evidence to support their claims.

  4. They feel ashamed about what happened and do not want friends, family or colleagues to find out.

  5. They have been manipulated by the perpetrator, who may have convinced them that it was their fault or that they somehow invited the behavior.

The reality is that sexual harassment cases are often very complex, particularly when there is a power imbalance between the alleged perpetrator and the victim. Those experiencing harassment in the workplace need to understand their legal rights in California and the steps they can take to address the situation.