What Does Modern Pre-Employment Age Discrimination Look Like?

By Toni Jaramilla, A Professional Law Corporation

Anti-workplace discrimination laws have been around for some time but were not well-known by employees and employers. Decades ago, workers felt that finding and keeping a steady job meant putting up with some mistreatment.

The employers of previous eras had insufficient knowledge of these laws, violating themselves or allowing others to do so. In the 21st-century work environment, everyone knows better. If employers discriminate against older citizens during the hiring process, they probably know what they are doing.

Watch out for these phrases

Age discrimination can begin when an employer places ads seeking to fill a vacant position. Employers may slip the following discriminatory or ageist phrases into their job ads to attract younger candidates.

Recent college graduate: To the employer, the emphasis lies on the word “recent” rather than college. People over 40 may hesitate to apply because they graduated college long ago. Asking for a college graduate is fine, but it should not matter when the candidate graduates.

Cultural fit: At first, this phrase sounds harmless, but further consideration may cause you to wonder what it really means. If the company’s workforce comprises mostly younger employees, the words cultural fit could mean youthful candidates only need apply.

Digital native: Another thin disguise employers often use to attract youth is to ask for digital natives. Some still believe older people lack the skills to work with computers and technology. They think asking for digital natives will keep those over 40 or 50 from applying.

It remains unlawful whether age discrimination appears in job advertisements, occurs during the interview stage or arises after employment. A wise next step is to learn about your legal options as a victim of age-related work discrimination in California.