Is Your Employer Trying to “Quiet Fire” You? Three Signs

By Toni Jaramilla, A Professional Law Corporation

You may have heard of “quiet quitting.” It’s a term that means an employee is doing the bare minimum in their job without going above and beyond. This is typically done when an employee is asked to do more than the worth they’re given by their employers..

Employers can also do a thing called “quiet firing.” Quiet firing is the act of making a workplace undesirable for an employee in the hopes that they will quit. This may be done because the employer doesn’t wish to pay severance packages or unemployment. 

Here’s how to know if you’re a victim of quiet firing:

1. A promotion or raise was suddenly denied

Many people don’t plan on staying in the same place when they get a job. An employee may have been aiming for a raise or promotion. An employer may have promised an employee a raise or promotion, only to give it to someone else without an explanation. This can be seen as a form of gaslighting with the intent to push an employee to leave.

2. Work was increased or decreased

An employer may try to overwhelm an employee with work to try and make them quit. This work may seem impossible to complete and could also include stuff not suitable for an employee’s role. Furthermore, an employer may give an employee so little work that they seem useless. Both of these tactics may be used as a way to convince an employee they are not suited for a job.

3. Communication with coworkers was cut off

Many jobs require constant communication between team members and leaders. An employee may purposely cut an employee off from communicating with co-workers. They may also be removed from meetings. This is often an attempt to confuse an employee and make it seem as if they are unwilling to cooperate.

If you’re a victim of quiet firing, then you may have been wrongfully terminated. You may need to reach out for legal help to learn what you can do next.