Wage and Hour Violations
Can Your Employer Stop You from Talking About Your Pay?
Can Your Employer Stop You from Talking About Your Pay?
Some employers believe that they can prohibit their employees from talking about how much they’re paid. They may try to prohibit them from asking their coworkers about their pay rates or bringing it up themselves.
Is Your Employer Violating Your Wage and Hour Rights?
Is Your Employer Violating Your Wage and Hour Rights?
Your employer needs to treat you fairly. According to the Labor Commissioner’s Office, employees in California should not exceed 8 hours per workday and 40 hours per workweek. These are the legal numbers in most industries.
Understanding California’s Prevailing Wage Law
Understanding California’s Prevailing Wage Law
For close to 100 years, California has had a prevailing wage law that sets the minimum wage that workers must be paid if they are working on a construction project that’s paid for, at least in part, with federal, state and/or local government funding.
How a California Supreme Court Ruling Affects Non-exempt Workers
How a California Supreme Court Ruling Affects Non-exempt Workers
California has some of the most employer-friendly laws in the country. However, employers too often don’t fully understand and/or abide by them, and employees may not realize that they’ve been cheated out of money they earned.