
Do Workers Have the Right to Bill for Their On-Call Time?

Do Workers Have the Right to Bill for Their On-Call Time?

Companies generally want to keep their staffing costs as low as possible. Some organizations control costs by paying workers on a salary basis.

What Are Meal Periods in California?

What Are Meal Periods in California?

California workers have many protections that aren’t present in other states.

Wage and Hour Violations Are on the Rise

Wage and Hour Violations Are on the Rise

With all of the scrutiny that California employers are under, you would think that wage theft would be on the decline. However, the opposite is true.

California Seasonal Workers, You Have Many Employment Rights

California Seasonal Workers, You Have Many Employment Rights

Those who work on a seasonal basis play a crucial role in California’s economy, particularly in sectors like agriculture, tourism and retail.

Who Is Likely to be a Victim of Wage Theft?

Who Is Likely to be a Victim of Wage Theft?

Anyone can fall victim to wage theft. Some employers will look for ways to avoid paying their workers what they’re owed.

What Is the Current Sick Leave Policy in California?

What Is the Current Sick Leave Policy in California?

Employees sometimes think that they have to report to work when they’re sick. That means that everyone they’re working with and coming into contact with are at risk of getting sick if the issue is contagious.

Three Common Wage and Hour Violations

Three Common Wage and Hour Violations

Employers who are inclined to steal wages from their employees and commit other employment law violations count on the fact that the vast majority of workers simply trust their employers to “do the right thing” or don’t know their rights.

Unequal Pay for Women in STEM Fields: California Has Your Back

Unequal Pay for Women in STEM Fields: California Has Your Back

California, a beacon of workforce innovation, suffers a glaring disparity in its booming science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) sector: a gender wage gap. Women make as many significant contributions to STEM fields as their male counterparts, but their paychecks do not reflect this.

Can Your Employer Lower Your Pay Rate?

Can Your Employer Lower Your Pay Rate?

If your employer lowers your pay rate, it can feel very frustrating and unfair. You took the job because you thought you’d be earning a certain hourly wage or a specific salary. Now that is being changed, but you are likely expected to do the same duties that you agreed to do before.

Is Time Clock Rounding Still Legal in California?

Is Time Clock Rounding Still Legal in California?

Rounding an employee’s time clock hours to the next set increment has been a long-standing practice that made bookkeeping and accounting easier on the employer.