
Three Signs That You Could be a Victim of Sexual Harassment

Three Signs That You Could be a Victim of Sexual Harassment

No one deserves to put up with sexual harassment at work. Unfortunately, while sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal, this vice is quite rampant. If a co-worker, supervisor or employer sexually harasses you, it is important that you take appropriate steps to safeguard your rights.

Sexual Harassment Doesn’t Require Physical Contact

Sexual Harassment Doesn’t Require Physical Contact

People often think of sexual harassment as inappropriate touching; however, that only makes up a portion of sexual harassment cases in the workforce.

Is It SexualHharassment If Someone From Work Asks You Out?

Is It SexualHharassment If Someone From Work Asks You Out?

A coworker asks you if you’d like to go on a date sometime. You’re not interested and you tell them so, but it gets you thinking. Was that appropriate behavior for the workplace?

Common Forms of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Common Forms of Workplace Sexual Harassment

California laws protect employees against workplace sexual harassment.

Overview of Retail Customers as Perpetrators of Sexual Harassment

Overview of Retail Customers as Perpetrators of Sexual Harassment

When people hear of sexual harassment, they usually envision an employer or other person in a position of authority harassing a worker or someone the harasser is supervising.

Addressing Retail Sexual Harassment in California

Addressing Retail Sexual Harassment in California

In California, when sexual harassment is discussed, there is a preconceived notion that it is perpetrated by colleagues, bosses, and owners in the workplace.