Family And Medical Leave
How Much Unpaid Leave Can a Worker Take Under the CFRA?
How Much Unpaid Leave Can a Worker Take Under the CFRA?
The California Family Rights Act (CFRA) is a state law that expands protections codified at the federal level by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). The FMLA was a groundbreaking piece of legislation when federal lawmakers first passed the Act. The FMLA helps guarantee the right to take unpaid leave in certain circumstances.
An Important Rule That Impacts Your Right to FMLA/CFRA Leave
An Important Rule That Impacts Your Right to FMLA/CFRA Leave
Even if your life currently seems boring and predictable, that could change in a moment. Medical issues, car crashes and countless other situations could leave you or someone in your family in need of medical care.
Can You Take Time Off of Work for Your Spouse’s Chemotherapy?
Can You Take Time Off of Work for Your Spouse’s Chemotherapy?
Both federal and state laws protect your right to take unpaid leave in certain circumstances. To qualify for that leave, you need to have worked for your employer for long enough, and the company itself also needs to be a certain size.
Taking a Leave of Absence When You Expand Your Family
Taking a Leave of Absence When You Expand Your Family
As a dedicated employee, you try to show up for your job even when you aren’t feeling the best. However, there are likely times when forcing yourself to go into work is a mistake for both you and the people you love.