Three Ways Employers Discriminate Against Breastfeeding Employees
Three Ways Employers Discriminate Against Breastfeeding Employees
The medical implications of having a child do not end after the birth of the baby. Instead, the new mother will likely have health implications from her pregnancy for a month following labor.
Bill Seeks to End Employer Discrimination Against Cannabis Users
Bill Seeks to End Employer Discrimination Against Cannabis Users
With marijuana legal for both medicinal and recreational use in California, adults are pretty much free to use it as they choose, as long as they don’t drive under the influence or partake somewhere it is prohibited.
Do You Work in a Hostile Work Environment? Here are Four Red Flags
Do You Work in a Hostile Work Environment? Here are Four Red Flags
A hostile work environment is one in which you feel uncomfortable and unsafe. You may not feel comfortable with how a coworker invades your personal space or be upset about someone harassing a colleague.
Three Ways That Employment Discrimination Limits Your Career Growth
Three Ways That Employment Discrimination Limits Your Career Growth
Numerous laws at both the federal and state levels protect workers from discrimination. An employer should not base their decisions about your career on your age, your religion, your sex or other protected characteristics, like medical conditions.