
Are Personality Tests Discriminatory Against the Neurodivergent?

Are Personality Tests Discriminatory Against the Neurodivergent?

A lot of large companies (and many smaller ones) have extensive screening processes they put job applicants through. They often include “personality” tests.

Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Disability Discrimination in the Workplace

Employers are required to make reasonable accommodations that allow their disabled employees to do their job effectively.

What is the CROWN Act in California?

What is the CROWN Act in California?

California has very strict employment laws, some of which deal with racial discrimination and harassment.

Proposed Change to Law Would Help Those Without Driver’s Licenses

Proposed Change to Law Would Help Those Without Driver’s Licenses

California has laws to address more types of employment discrimination than just about any other state. Some state lawmakers are hoping to address one more often-overlooked type of employment discrimination

Two Examples of Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

Two Examples of Racial Discrimination in the Workplace

While significant progress has been made in terms of discrimination, the sad reality is that many workers suffer racial discrimination at work.

Can You Lose Your Job Because of a Pregnancy in California?

Can You Lose Your Job Because of a Pregnancy in California?

Your journey to motherhood should be a joyous time, but sometimes, concerns about job security can dampen the excitement. You may be worried that your job may be on the line due to pregnancy.

Do You Need a Reasonable Religious Accommodation at Work?

Do You Need a Reasonable Religious Accommodation at Work?

Religion is one of the protected classes in the workplace. It is unlawful for an employer to treat an employee or a job applicant unfavorably because of their religious beliefs.

Subtle Signs of Age Discrimination at Work

Subtle Signs of Age Discrimination at Work

Age discrimination isn’t always blatant. In fact, it is quite common to couch it in seemingly innocuous actions that make it harder to prove employees’ allegations.

When Might Work Assignments Become Discriminatory?

When Might Work Assignments Become Discriminatory?

One of the ways in which unlawful workplace discrimination can manifest involves work assignments.

Three Things to Know About California’s CROWN Act

Three Things to Know About California’s CROWN Act

The CROWN Act, which is short for Create a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair, is a significant legislative development in California. It addresses discrimination based on hairstyles, particularly those associated with race and ethnicity.